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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need previous experience with fire?



Do I need to do the training before I apply?


I’m not a resident of Idaho, Oregon or Washington. Can I still apply?

For this inaugural residency, we are prioritizing artists and writers living or working in these states or adjacent regions. If your state, province or tribal nation is within or borders Idaho, Oregon or Washington, you are eligible. We look forward to hearing from you.

My creative work is not about fire. Can I still apply for the residency?

While a demonstrated interest in social and/or ecological issues will be helpful, you do NOT need to have made previous creative work about fire to apply for the residency. You WILL need to explain through the application questions WHY you are interested in experiencing prescribed fire and HOW you see it impacting future creative work.


My creative practice is more interdisciplinary.  What kind of work samples should I apply with?

Up to 5 samples of creative work will be reviewed by jurors  no matter how many ways you label yourself or your practice.  When submitting samples, you are welcome to submit any mix of files including images, .pdf documents, sound clips, short video clips (web-links are preferred), etc.  If you have further questions, please contact us. 

How do I prepare for the on-the-ground training?

Residency participants will complete approximately 40 hours of online training at their own pace but prior to attending the prescribed fire training module. Physical training for the arduous pack test may also be helpful.


I’m slightly overwhelmed with understanding the training involved.  Can you help me sort it out? 

Two phases of training are involved in this residency: the first is online and the second is an immersive, on-the-ground prescribed fire training. The online training can be done at your own pace but MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE the on-the-ground, prescribed-fire-training module and NO LATER THAN MAY 1, 2024. On-the-ground module dates are determined by the Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX) organizers. In the Pacific Northwest they generally take place in the spring and fall of each year. 

And don’t worry! The Confluence Lab will host a training orientation via Zoom for selected participants and be available to guide them through this process.


How much time will I need to devote to training?

Residency participants will complete approximately 40 hours of online training at their own pace but prior to attending the prescribed fire training module. Physical training for the arduous pack test may also be helpful. The on-the-ground training is immersive and runs from 7 to 12 days depending on the TREX module. PARTICIPANTS MUST BE WILLING AND ABLE TO ATTEND A FULL TREX MODULE.


Does this residency provide studio space?

No. Since the main goal for this residency is that your creative work finds its way out into your local community, we want you to have the ability to return and/or create in locations of your choosing. 


Will I be required to travel as part of this residency?

Yes. Recipients must be willing to attend a full TREX module and will be responsible for arranging their own travel to and from that module.  A portion of funding awarded to participants is meant to help cover cost acquired through this travel. 

I have some ideas of how I might connect with my community after this residency, but don’t know yet when and where that will happen. Can I still apply?

Yes. We expect applicants to have put thought into how they would like to share their experience with their communities, but do not expect that all of the details of that to be resolved before applying. The experience itself may influence how and what you share. Our lab understands that this will take time and can help advise you in this process in the future as needed.


I don’t intend to work as a firefighter beyond this residency.  Can I still apply?

Yes. There is no requirement that you become a professional wildland firefighter, though you would be qualified. And you may find that you want to keep participating in prescribed burns as a volunteer! 


I already have experience with TREX training.  Can I apply to just get funding for my creative practice through AIF?

The AIF residency is intended specifically for artists and writers to experience prescribed fire. While previous experience with fire will not disqualify you, recipients will be expected to attend a TREX module and priority will be given to those who would not otherwise be able to have this experience.


What if my creative reflection takes longer than 6 months?

We understand that your creative processing and reflection may take longer than 6 months, BUT we ask that you share some portion of your creative reflections, even if still in process, with your home community within 6 months of your TREX experience. 


Once I return home, how much time am I expected to devote to this project?

The time devoted will vary from participant to participant. You will be expected to write a creative blog post to shared through the Confluence Lab website within one month of participation and to share your experience through your creative practice with your home community within six months of participation.


Will I be at the TREX with all the other AIF residents?

No. There may be more than one AIF resident but the whole cohort will not attend the same TREX. The Confluence Lab will work with selected participants to find the TREX that works best for them and for TREX organizers. 


How much does the training cost?  

There is no fee for the online training. Most TREX modules charge a participation fee of $300 but these fees will be covered for AIF participants (up to $300). A few TREX charge more, depending on their location, accommodations, and length of module. Participants will be responsible for arranging their own travel to and from the TREX module. The Confluence Lab will help participants find the TREX that works best for them. 


PLEASE NOTE: As required by TREX organizers, participants will be required to maintain their own medical insurance during the TREX module. They will also be required to liability waivers with the University of Idaho and TREX organizers prior to participation.

For more clarification, please contact

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