Human & Ecological Change in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness:
A Collaborative Rephotography Project
Teresa Cavazos Cohn

A team of faculty and students, led by Dr. Teresa Cavazos Cohn (Natural Resources and Society), is using rephotography methods to examine social and ecological change in this wilderness setting. In addition to compiling historical-current photograph pairs, researchers will conduct semi-structured interviews with a variety of stakeholders in order to better understand interpretations of change, which may differ between cultural groups.
The Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness is an ideal location for repeat photography. First, many areas have been photographed by residents, outfitters, and recreationists over the past century and pre- and post- wilderness designation impacted use in ways that are visible on the landscape. Second, vegetation in some areas have dramatically changed due to an increase of forest fire as well as invasive species such as cheat grass (Bromus tectorum). We believe photo sets are both visually compelling (and of interest to the general public) as well as informative for broader discussions of change in the Frank Church-River of No Return.
Photographs will be housed in the U of I digital photo archives.
This project is funded by the DeVlieg Foundation.